Save the World, Eat Your Dog

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Put this under, I been telling pan-handlers this for years.

Love your pet, hate the environment. This is the focus of a new book by Robert and Brenda Vale. Titled, Time to Eat the Dog, this scholarly work states that owning a medium sized dog has twice the Carbon footprint of an SUV.

“How is this possible?” you scream. According to the Vale’s, dogs eat an average of 360 pounds of meat each year. It takes two acres of land to generate their dinner. This is two times more than a Hummer.

Humm, shoot the dog, buy an Escalade.

If you cat people think you’re off the hook, thing again. Their dietary habits are the same as driving a VW Golf for a year, but who owns just one cat? OMG! The old lady down the street with all the strays is committing genocide!

John Barrett at the Stockholm Environment Institute in York, Britain, confirmed their facts, and came to this conclusion, "Owning a dog really is quite an extravagance, mainly because of the carbon footprint of meat,"

Looks like the Koreans are ahead of us again. Now, where did I put my copy of 101 ways to Wok Your Dog?